Thanks metamonk, for the idea.
- Beat-box to musicals
- End every order to a waiter with 'etcetera, etcetera, etcetera'
- Mistake Halloween for Christmas.
- Flip off crossing-guards.
- Hold an undying suspicion that peanut brittle is really dehydrated peanut butter.
- Regularly behead all the Animal Crackers™, make a hunter's trophy room from the box.
- Pronounce Pterodactyl with a 'p'.
- Use cowboy placemats.
- Wonder why everyone on The Office lost their accents.
- Use the e-brake when braking foot gets tired.
- Talk to infant son exclusively in the voice of Soundwave.
- Use CB conventions when using cell phones on the road, over.
- Think PETA was a celebrity softcore channel.
- Think Kinkos was something else entirely.
- Give directions to bus drivers.
- Play Sudoku with letters.
- Watch anime muted, with Happy Days audio playing over.
- Write down favourite bumper sticker slogans.
- Drink whiskey in the shower (during the summer).
- Watch the LPGA with the volume cranked.
- Laugh during Pulp Fiction.