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Learn A New Thing...

Man, you really do learn a new thing everyday. There have been a few shocking realizations I've had over the past month or so:

-bizaare is spelled bizarre (how bizaare)
-scythe is pronounced "sithe", not the phonetic way. Which is the way I've been pronouncing it in my head for my whole life. My entire youth spent reading Advanced Thresher Sci-Fi and Buckwheat Fantasy novels, for naught!
-George Eliot was a woman, real name Mary Ann Evans.
-Terry Gilliam is American.
-Robocop is a Criterion Film. I shit you not.
-Uhm, oh damn, just after I post this, I find that, this movie is a Criterion film as well. Maybe I don't know what being a Criterion film really entails..

Alright all (three) readers of my blog, post and lemme know some earth shattering facts you've learned recently.


Gareth said…
I've learned that it takes a 220lb body about 10 weeks to accept that you now run 3 times a week and to stop being in constant pain. :P
Unknown said…
What's there to learn when you know EVERYTHING?! Hehe, just kidding...I did know bizarre was spelled as such; was verily surprised at the pronunciation of "scythe" (Who, in everyday life, uses that word anyway? It's meant for pastoral poetry or barbarian stories, non?); never understood why, of all male names available...she'd go for George; Terry Gilliam isn't Irish?! Well I'll be; don't even get me started on what they're including in the Criterion Collection these days! All trivia aside...did you do the CBC IQ Test?! I hated them in school...Still hating them..but if you're up for a spin:
Niteowl said…
Well, that took me down a few pegs!
Cooter said…
I learned that 2 of your 3 closest co-workers are geniuses. The 3rd may be as well, but he's too chicken shit to take the test.
Niteowl said…
Thanks for deepening the depression, assmunch.
dave said…
Hmm, some things i've learnt in the last few days: Laminate floor is not easy to lay, How to use Visual Studio to make windowsy programs, How to use drupal, How pabst blue ribbon beer tastes not as bad as one would imagine, that my friend's air mattress takes 4 D batteries to operate. hmm. that's about it. the other stuff is really mundane. I don't learn much these days.
Niteowl said…
Oh, you sneaky link back blogger you! And wow, yer list of things learned is far more impressive Toe-head.
gbergen said…
Because of that IQ test (damn you Andrea whoever you are!) I learned that if a husband and wife take it, the one with the lower score gets grouchy. Harrumph! (My attempt at spelling an indignant sound.)

And J, it also looks like you have more than an audience of 3 :)
Niteowl said…
Oh yeah, not to be taken with significant others. Just like significant others should play video games against each other. That way lies tears!

And yeah, you're right grace, there do seem to be more than three! Five in fact! Whoo hoo! Of course, i know you all personally, and relentlessly bother you to read my blog, but no need to dwell on that! :)
Gareth said…
You never once bothered me to read your blog! I feel unappreciated now... :(
Niteowl said…
That's only because you have a highly tuned anti-spam filter NH, that, try as I might, I can never get past!
Gareth said…
Gah! Foiled by my own cleverness and xenophobia!!
ramb0z0 said…
Cooter, which 2 would that be? I only counted 1.
Anonymous said…
It's tough to admit that you learned something new, as it also means you didn't know/realize something that many others already knew. And then those least understanding, would classify you as a moron. Having said that, I just learned 2 things this week:

1) Florida doesn't have income tax (apparently some other states don't as well). I thought income tax was part of that "Death and Taxes" truism.

2) When loading a dishwasher you should not pre-clean dishes. "Dishwashers actually depend on the bits of food that cling to dirty dishes to maintain an appropriate ph level inside the dishwasher."
Of course you should get rid of the big pieces of food, but not the surface crud.

Voila, and there you have it. My 2 items. And now I will post this anonymously to prevent being called a moron :)

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