Thanks again to metamonk for the idear.
SCHL : Shit, cops here, later
CCN : Credit Card Number?
LGFLFAIG : loose gorgeous female looking for any internet geek
WWTHMM : who wants to hear my mashup?
GSIPM : great startup idea, pm me!
NOA : Nigerian opportunity available
LOPTA : logging off, party to attend
AAMS : AFK, another modeling shoot
IHAR : I hate Ayn Rand
WATLA : what's a three letter acronym?
CWP : consoles with paw
FLFPP : furry looking for puppy play
STTNGFLFSWFTD : Star Trek : The Next Generation Fan Looking For Star Wars Fan to Debate
GTMSL : getting too much sex lately
WDD : what's D&D?
JJRYAD : Jar Jar Rules, You All Drool!
OISN : OMG It's Seeping Now
SIHAP : Sure, I Have Another Picture
SMN : Sending Money Now
ACAAE : All Consoles Are About Equal
HTRCU : Hope That Rash Clear(s/ed) Up
WYRAF : Wow, you really ARE fat
BHSA : Back hair, sexy, AMIRITE?
SCHL : Shit, cops here, later
CCN : Credit Card Number?
LGFLFAIG : loose gorgeous female looking for any internet geek
WWTHMM : who wants to hear my mashup?
GSIPM : great startup idea, pm me!
NOA : Nigerian opportunity available
LOPTA : logging off, party to attend
AAMS : AFK, another modeling shoot
IHAR : I hate Ayn Rand
WATLA : what's a three letter acronym?
CWP : consoles with paw
FLFPP : furry looking for puppy play
STTNGFLFSWFTD : Star Trek : The Next Generation Fan Looking For Star Wars Fan to Debate
GTMSL : getting too much sex lately
WDD : what's D&D?
JJRYAD : Jar Jar Rules, You All Drool!
OISN : OMG It's Seeping Now
SIHAP : Sure, I Have Another Picture
SMN : Sending Money Now
ACAAE : All Consoles Are About Equal
HTRCU : Hope That Rash Clear(s/ed) Up
WYRAF : Wow, you really ARE fat
BHSA : Back hair, sexy, AMIRITE?
YOU are the one who could take this to book length.
Niteowl on internet culture.